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I Need YOU!! – Booth Discounts this week only

Posted on by Ellice Sanchez

I Need YOU!! – Booth Discounts this week only

Yes, that is right. I need you!

A fine arts and crafts market really needs artists and artisans to work!

I have been lurking around First Friday, the Helotes Market, and the Bandera Point Artisan Market in search of vendors who create handmade arts and crafts.

I wanted to reach out to you again to invite you to join in the common vision of having an indoor marketplace, with on-site parking, that offers only handmade  goods.

The costs of an indoor event does differ from an outdoor event, but the advantages are pretty strong: Indoor plumbing, air conditioning, security, no worries of extreme weather. I am only planning to break even on the venue costs (if all the spots are filled). My goal of this event is to offer a safe indoor place for handmade crafters to sell. Honestly, I do really want to sell my goods, but I don’t want to do it without you there too!

I have seen the feedback on vendors faces about the pricing, so I have tried to re-work the floor plan to allow for more lower budget ‘just a table’ vendors. It is my pet peeve when I go to events and see booths crammed up against each other and in weird nooks, but I now understand it was to keep the individual booth costs down by increasing booth volume. I do think that it is fair to ask some of your booth fees, just some, pitch in to cover the costs of paid advertising. After all, it is one thing to have the space filled with vendors, but the public needs to know about the event in order to show up! New Booth floor plan set up options are posted here:

I know there are some handmade markets that charge entry fees to guests (to reduce vendor fees), but I want to keep this event free to the public, as I want people to feel free to walk in, thus increasing the chance of them buying goods.

All us artists/artisans have been wishing for more indoor events, so please sign up for this one! It can’t come together without your talent.

Personally, I am approaching a deadline with the venue and honestly, it does not make sense to rent out such a large space, unless I have at least some vendors signed up. If you are serious about wanting to participate in more indoor events, please sign up this week!

With the re-worked floor plan and pending venue deadline, I have special pricing for this week only. I need at least 15 sign-ups this week, and invoices paid in full by the 25th.

Basic Table Space Professional Artisan 10×10 Booth
Normal price, $75

THIS WEEK Only $65

(Apply Sept 15 – Sept 22, Paid in full by Sept 25th)

Normal price, $90

THIS WEEK Only $75

(Apply Sept 15 – Sept 22, Paid in full by Sept 25th)

Here is the link to sign-up:

Thank you very much for your time.

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