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Small Business Saturday 2020 Under Review

Posted on by Ellice Sanchez

Small Business Saturday 2020 Under Review

I was really hoping that there would be a vaccine for the coronavirus by now. I already started advertising for my event back in January. The city of Leon Valley closed the venue through November and I had to push my event to December 12th, if I am to use that venue.

I am considering doing a virtual event with vendors, possibly for free, or just nixing the event all together until next year. I am waiting another week or two to make the call. As much as I want an event, realistically if everyone is staying home, it will do a disservice to the artists time and only burn money that I could have used marketing the 2021 event.

Vendors are welcomed to apply to if they want for 2020, but I am not invoicing anyone until sometime in October. I actually lose money when processing refunds in transaction fees and postage, so I am not going to take any money at this time. Vendors can also message about any interest about doing a virtual event with me.


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