Booth Options
Venue Notes
- The current venue is set to be: Leon Valley Community Center, 6427 Evers Rd, San Antonio, TX 78238.
- Even though the sample photos are shot outdoors, this event will be indoors.
- This current venue does not allow food trucks or outdoor booths.

Basic Table Space
We will provide you with a 6x2ft or 8x3 foot table, and a chair.
You must supply a table cloth (or scrap cloth or even a sheet, just make sure the table is covered). The table from the venue is worn from wear-and-tear and does not look appealing to the eye. This “table space” will be smaller than a typical booth. Space for your area is approximately 8ft x 5 foot, but can vary.
You will be listed as an artist on the website. You are encouraged to share your website profile.

Professional Artisan Standard Booth
We will provide you with space. You can bring your own walls, peg boards, canopy, banners. You will be offered an 8x3ft table to use (or not use) per your needs. Cushion chairs also available from thr venue. If excess tables are available, you can grab a second table; excess tables are not a guarantee but there has been stacks of tables to pick from in the closet previously.
You will be listed as an artist on the website. You are encouraged to share your website profile.
Standard – 10x10ft booth.
Prices may go up as the date of an event approaches.*
Floor Plan Concepts
The final floor plan will depend upon the direction that booth sales go. Once sales lean towards suiting a certain plan, that plan will be locked in and sales to tables/ or professional 10x10 spaces will be capped to fill out that plan.
Note, the organizer will look to spread people out as much as possible. If all the booth spots are not booked up, and you don't have a neighbour to mind, you can spread your display out a bit.